Hello Christoph,

On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 03:01:42PM -0700, Christoph Paasch wrote:
> On 08/15/21 - 15:39, Erik Auerswald wrote:
> > [...]
> > I do not think RPM can replace all other metrics.  This is, in a way,
> > mentioned in the introduction, where it is suggested to add RPM to
> > existing measurement platforms.  As such I just want to point this out
> > more explicitely, but do not intend to diminish the RPM idea by this.
> > In short, I'd say it's complicated.
> Yes, I fully agree that RPM is not the only metric. It is one among
> many.  If there is a sentiment in our document that sounds like "RPM
> is the only that matters", please let me know where so we can reword
> the text.

Regarding just this, in section 3 (Goals), item 3 (User-friendliness),
the I-D states that '[u]sers commonly look for a single "score" of their
performance.'  This can lead to the impression that RPM is intended to
provide this single score.

I do think that RPM seems more generally useful than either idle latency
or maximum bandwidth, but for a more technically minded audience, all
three provide useful information to get an impression of the usefulness
of a network for different applications.

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