Hi Matt,

> On Nov 17, 2021, at 19:04, Matt Taggart <m...@lackof.org> wrote:
> On 11/17/21 9:28 AM, Dave Taht wrote:
>> I find the data cluster over here at 250ms/100Mbit kind of worrisome:
>> https://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/results/bufferbloat?up=1
> That graph is amazing! Things I noticed:
> * clear division between technologies in bandwidth

        Sampling issue, over here in Germany docsis/cable upload tops out at 50 
Mbps, while VDSL2 at 40Mbps, at least on the uplink plot...

> * the log scales are a great way to visualize things

        Yes and no; what they offer on overview, they lack in detail... the 
difference from 250ms delay to 1 second seems smaler than from 30ms to 250ms, 
yet I am sure internt with 250ms latency (while painful) is leaps and bounds 
more usable than at 1sec....

> * you can make out the different bandwidth "tiers" that cable providers offer

        Less clear in the download scatter plot at 
https://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/results/bufferbloat, no? Only 100Mbps 
stands out.

> * fiber doesn't seem to show such tiers as much

        Funny the biggest fiber ISP in Germany sells fiber with similar rate 
plans as DSL (50/10, 100/40, 250/40, 500/100, 1000/200) so tiering should show 
up there as well, and if you clock on the cable legend text (to blend cabe 
samples out) you see the 250ms/100Mbps blob that Dave mentioned in the fiber 
results as well.

As far as I can tell the classification really comes from the button users 
pressed when running a test, so these categories will not be 100% pure. 
Especially ince the different test profiles use different numbers of flows and 
for most VDSL2 links the cable or fiber preset gives better throughput results 
(as the 4? flows in the DSL preset often ca not reliably saturate links >> 12 

> * DSL really drops off around 12mbit as expected, but there are some well 
> above that. User error when running the test?

        See above, in some regions/markets DSL variants offer speeds well above 
12 Mbos, e.g. VDSL2 reaching 250/40, of G.fast 500/500+, the dslreports data 
set is not country specific.

> I really like best/worst lists at the bottom.
> How could this graph/data be used to measure progress on the bufferbloat 
> front? It would be neat to have an animation over time and hopefully watch 
> the points drift to the left.

        +1 that would be a great animation to have/show!

> What if the graph had the ability to toggle data sets on/off:
> * by technology

        That you can already do, just click on the respective text in the 
legend and the symbol will grey out and the respective samples disappear. 

> * by ISP
> * by region

        https://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/results offers by country and by 
ISP, but then does not show the nice log/log throughput over inferred buffer 
size plot for these sub groupings.

Best Regards

> Thanks for pointing it out
> -- 
> Matt Taggart
> m...@lackof.org
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