> On Jun 16, 2022, at 9:22 AM, Sebastian Moeller <moell...@gmx.de> wrote:
> HI MIchael,
>> On Jun 16, 2022, at 07:48, Michael Welzl via Bloat 
>> <bloat@lists.bufferbloat.net <mailto:bloat@lists.bufferbloat.net>> wrote:
>> … but I’m excited about slide 15 !
>> "Heat, CO2, and radioactive waste are becoming measurable by-products of TCP 
>> inefficiency
>> Fix TCP => Save the World!”
>> People don’t yet focus enough on this -
>       The slide deck however omits presenting the evidence for that 
> hypothesis...
>> and it’s not only relevant in a data center context. See also:
>> Michael Welzl: "Not a Trade-Off: On the Wi-Fi Energy Efficiency of Effective 
>> Internet Congestion Control", IEEE/IFIP WONS 2022, virtual, 30 March - 1 
>> April 2022.
>> Preprint: 
>> https://folk.universitetetioslo.no/michawe/research/publications/wons2022_authors_version.pdf
>> <https://folk.universitetetioslo.no/michawe/research/publications/wons2022_authors_version.pdf>
>> A couple of IETFs ago, I did sign up to present something along these lines 
>> at an ICCRG meeting, but I asked late and got squeezed into an “if time 
>> permits” slot; some day in the future I’ll ask for a “proper slot” to 
>> elaborate on this.
>       Curious, should such an observation not look at the aggregate energy 
> consumption of senders and receivers? And maybe also report the total energy 
> consumption of those devices for reference to allow an estimate of how much 
> "radioactive waste" can be easily avoided?
>       Mind you, I am not arguing that saving energy (even small amounts) is 
> not desirable, I just want to see how that stacks up with the total energy 
> consumed by those systems.

I completely agree - one just needs to start somewhere. Baby steps  :) 


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