pengetahuan-ku tentang angka/nomor sangat berguna....... maklum bekas penjual 
PORKAS  ji kodong... he he he.....
salam kenal Daeng Ipul......
----- Original Message ----
From: Ipul degasz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 3:11:03 PM
Subject: Re: [blogger_makassar] Fwd: [ig] sms of the day

Hanya baca2 ji...
Tapi ketika ada postingan yang berhubungan dengan dunia kriminal dan pasal2 
dalam undang2..tiba2 dia nongol....hehehehe
Ipul d’Gasz
Sipakatau,sipammopp orang, sipakalbbiri’ ..
http://love- and-trust. blogspot. com

----- Original Message ----
From: Greco 1995 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
To: blogger_makassar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 3:03:33 PM
Subject: Re: [blogger_makassar] Fwd: [ig] sms of the day

 E d d, kodong..... apa na bisa kita andalkanG kalo yg jadi dekkeng rakyat 
jelata ji kodong.....
oh iya.... sy ini termasuk member milist ini... tapi hanya sebatas baca2 ji 
kodong.... maklum nda terlalu banyak article yg bisa sy submit ke milist 
ini........ lumayanG ji bisa menjadi obat rindu suasana kampung halamanG.... . 

----- Original Message ----
From: Rusle' <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
To: blogger_makassar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 2:02:35 PM
Subject: Re: [blogger_makassar] Fwd: [ig] sms of the day

beh...luarbiasa! !!
sampe ada juga interpretasi atas keterangan pasal2nya... .
sapakah ini greco? bisaki jadi dekkeng?


----- Original Message ----
From: Ipul degasz <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com >
To: blogger_makassar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 9:59:58 AM
Subject: Re: [blogger_makassar] Fwd: [ig] sms of the day

Mhn mmap kmdn,sy sdng mngmti prkmbgn stusi di lpngn,tpkny trsngk sdg sp 
brksi,smntr infrmn qt sdh ambl pss di t4 yg sdh qt rncnkn..lprn sls
Ipul d'Gasz
Sipakatau,sipammopp orang, sipakalbbiri' ..
http://love- and-trust. blogspot. com 

----- Original Message ----
From: Irayani Queencyputri <[EMAIL PROTECTED] org>
To: blogger_makassar@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2007 9:39:20 PM
Subject: [blogger_makassar] Fwd: [ig] sms of the day

ada yg ngerti sms kayak gini?
translation plis :D

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Ass, mhn ijin lprkn/infrmskn at kss LP.No.Pol: 2817/K/VII/2007/ SPK
Unit III, tg 8 Juli 2007, ttg 352 & 378, ats krb Wahyu Indah K (ats 
plk Eko Setyo), yg dtgni AKP RITA & mnrt ktrgn krbn saat 378 dpks dsrh
aborsi dg alibi ibu plk sakit & jj akan dnkh dg naik taksi dg plk ke
RS Raden Saleh ljt ke TKP yg krbn tdk th arh krn ddlm taksi & dmkn 
kmdn smtr di infrmkn & mhn btn & mhn prkbgnnya, wass

Peace, Love and Smile :)
-=[God bless you!]=-
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Peace, Love and Smile :)
-=[God bless you!]=-
I'm a Travel Yup!
http://www.i- 2007/09/27/ i%e2%80%99m- a-travel- yup/

On Store, 'Teen World : Ortu Kenapa Sih?' - Juni 2006, Penerbit Cinta
http://preview- teenworld. blogspot. com/


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