TemanG-temanG, berikut tulisan Jeffrey J. Mayer tentang 12 karakteristik orang 
yang berhasil. Mudah2an bisa jadi sumber inspirasi.
Sekadar selingan ditengah hiruk-pikuk milis dan selamat mencoblos di Pilkada 

I’ve spent many years studying successful people and today would like to share 
with you the skills, talents, and characteristics that enable them to succeed. 
As you look at and study these skills, talents and characteristics, you’ll 
realize that you possess many of them yourself.
Some of these skills and talents are more dominant than others and will play a 
greater part in your being, or becoming, a success in the business of life. 
These are the things you do well. The things you do easily and effortlessly. 
These are your strengths.
When you find you need a skill or talent you don’t have, just go out and look 
for a person or group of people with the skills, talents, and training you 
need. Skills and talents that complement your own.
These people will become your teammates, colleagues, co-workers, professional 
advisors and friends. With these combined skills and talents organizations 
grow, prosper and become successful.
These are the five things you’ll find every successful person has in common:
1. They have a dream.
2. They have a plan.
3. They have specific knowledge or training.
4. They’re willing to work hard.
5. They don’t take no for an answer.

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