Hahahahaha.. nice one.. :p

On 11/29/07, galileo_la_galigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Rekan rekan, itu di atas adalah salah satu New Kid on the Blog, yg
> semalam (artinya, pagimi di Makassar) iseng-iseng saya bikin... Namanya juga
> masih baru, contentnya masih kosong.... Dan untuk sekedar menghibur
> teman-teman Blogger yg kurang dianggap karena masalah teknis
> Penulisan, dll.
> Di blog baru saya ´JournaLipstick´ adalah tempat dimana saya
> mempertanyakan ´standard jurnalisme´ apa sih, yang digunakan oleh Penulis
> artikel berjudul ´Kopitalisme´ di Harian Nasional ´Republika´... Ada rekan
> rekan yang bisa jelaskan?
> Saat ini, cuma ada sedikit tulisan, sbb:
> This is a picture of me, smiling like a dumb... You know why?
> Because, I am still thinking about what I am gonna write and from where
> should I start to write in this blog, called ½JournaLipstick½... :-)
>  It is a question raised in my head: What kind of style that I am using in
> the writing collection of ½*Kopitalisme*½? Defenetally is NOT according to
> professional journalism standards (*why should I? I am NOT writing some
> news. Im trying to be fun while spreading my ideas and my thoughts there.*)
> The most important things to me, that some of my messages in that writing is
> widely accpeted to my readers through out the country. And they even
> mentioned their ´comments and Testimonials´  about Kopitalisme.
> If thats the case -not according to professional journalism standards-
> then my next question is: why after several years ½Kopitalisme½ became a
> head of one of an article in well known National newspaper, in order to
> promote already known product?
>  Did the writer of that article follows the journalism standards? Is there
> a connection between the title and the content of that specific article
> called ½Kopitalisme½?
>  Or should I say that the writer didnt follow the journalism standards
> (was he/she?) But instead, he/she following a writing style that I
> recognized for my own style. That is called: *JournaLipstick*! Hahahaha...
>  This blog of ½JournaLipstick½ it is also about some debates between
> fellow Bloggers friends and another group of journalists. Sounds
> familiar?... I am now sitting quietly in the dark corner of the debates...
> Like always, gigling while drinking coffee...
> Tabe Lompo
> *KutuKata*

Peace, Love and Smile :)
-=[God bless you!]=-
BLOG: Voice of Freedom

On Store, 'Teen World : Ortu Kenapa Sih?' - Juni 2006, Penerbit Cinta

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