adakah yg bisa kodong wakilika ambil ki uangku di Bank of China?
sudah seratus kali mi kayaknya saya dikirimi email beginian.
saya pikir lama2 ini beneran...heheh
tp sa khawatir mendadak kaya   takut kena serangang jantung...

jadi saya minta diwakili saja.,.

*kalo rupanya betul, saya sumbangkan deh 90% untuk AM, dan sisanya 10% untuk
Daeng Gassing, supaya bisa menyewa web designer yang kompeten utk melaunch
web baru nya..*

*US$ 19,500,000.-*
*Nineteen millions
Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bank of China Ltd. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Nov 30, 2007 12:18 PM

FROM: Mr.Liu Yan
Bank of China Ltd.
13/F. Bank of China Tower
1 Garden Road,
Hong Kong.

To whom it may concern:

I have a transaction of mutual benefits, which I
like to share with you. It involves an amount of
*Nineteen millions
Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars
only*,in our Bank, which I
like to acquire with your help and you will be
adequately as your commission.

If you are interested please reply instantly with
your contact information and forward your
telephone number
so we may discuss and I shall provide you with
the details of this

If interested send your  response to my

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Mr.Liu Yan.


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