inimi yang asli namanya numpang go Internasional, secara sy sama sekali ndak 
nulis (kecuali waktu diwawancarai, hehehe..)
isinya kurang lebih begini :

"To be honest, I used to have lack of attention on what is going around me. 
Later, when I started to send my reports as a citizen reporter, then receiving 
feedbacks or comments, I considered that there are so many things happening 
around me that need to be reported. Now, I'd love to continue this mission, as 
a citizen reporter, to report the phenomena in my community and surroundings."

Syaifullah works for a real estate company in Makassar. He loves football, 
writing and reading books. He blogs his ordinary life and hobbies, but when it 
comes to the mission of citizen journalism he challenges himself to provide a 
comprehensive report just like a professional journalist would do. He provided 
a thorough observation and critical commentary when a new shopping center 
opened by the riverbank of our city, referring to the fact that there was a 
serious environmental issue related to the construction site. He also provided 
a reflective analysis and interviews about the first direct election for 
governor in our province, South Sulawesi, and even a live report of the debate 
by the candidates for governor, which hours later was read by our readers from 
overseas and other cities.

Syaifullah is typical of citizen reporters in our community; they are young 
professional workers who dedicate their time to listening to what people around 
them are talking about, and then report on it. Indeed, they are concerned 
citizens practicing what it means to be a citizen through citizen journalism. 
In Panyingkul! we share a belief that our small but independent media outlet is 
an important element in the media ecosystem in our city, where our readers will 
find different headlines and perspectives and learn about different issues.

saya sendiri ndak tauk betul artinya apa..hahahahaha...

***borro selesai

"he's not a leader, he is a Texas Leaguer", Eddie Vedder about George W. Bush
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