Dear Prenz...

Ada kamase ini imel yg isinya bertanya tentang hotel di Makassar, mau
booking bedeng... Kalau ada info siapa rekanG blogger yg bisa bantuki,
tolongmi di konfirm... 2 kalimi bedeng na fax, tapi tena jawabanna...

Berikut salinan imel (dari New Zealand) yg kuterima di mailboxku:

Quote: Hi there,
Are you able to tell me if there is anywhere I can email to try and get
help with contacting the Pondok Suada Hotel in Makassar.  I've faxed
twice with a query about booking in September but haven't had any reply.
have fax number 62 411 317179, couldn't find any email address or

I'm sorry to bother you with this query, but not sure where else to go
assistance. End of quote.

Tabe Lompo

Galileo La Galigo

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