Page "BloodhoundInstall" was changed by gjm
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Revision 4
Index: BloodhoundInstall
--- BloodhoundInstall (version: 3)
+++ BloodhoundInstall (version: 4)
@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@
 At the moment it is also recommended that you install virtualenv ({{{sudo 
apt-get install python-virtualenv}}} or {{{pip install virtualenv}}}) as for 
systems with existing python installations, it allows you to install packages 
with lower impact to the system provided installation. In addition, virtualenv 
is a requirement if you wish to take advantage of the installer script.
 == Databases ==
-Apache Bloodhound also requires a database and it supports the following 
popular databases out of the box: [ SQLite], 
[ PostgreSQL], and [ MySQL]. For the 
moment this guide does not discuss installing with a MySQL database.
+Apache Bloodhound also requires a database and it supports the following 
popular databases: [ SQLite], [ 
PostgreSQL], and [ MySQL].
+=== Easy Option: SQLite ===
 Installing Apache Bloodhound with SQLite is the easiest option as Python comes 
with SQLite integrated into it. In addition, there are no special access rights 
required to create or interact with an SQLite database as it is stored in a 
local file. For larger production installations, SQLite may not be considered 
appropriate and lacks the possible advantage of using a separate server for the 
+=== Recommended Option: PostgreSQL ===
 Installing with PostgreSQL is complicated by having to create users and a 
database on the server and adjusting permissions to allow access. It also adds 
the following dependencies:
  * [ PostgreSQL]
  * [ psycopg2]
@@ -54,7 +56,10 @@
    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
-For MySQL these instructions may work on Ubuntu 11.10:
+=== If MySQL is your only choice ===
+Note that the Installation Script does not yet allow for installing with a 
MySQL database.
+Although MySQL is supported by Bloodhound, the likelihood of success may be 
expected to be dependent on the version of MySQL you are trying to use. The 
MySQL 5.0.x versions are recommended at this point but as this is investigated, 
further this page will be updated. For MySQL these instructions may work on 
Ubuntu 11.10 (currently using MySQL 5.1.61):
    sudo apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server
    mysql --user=root --password -e "CREATE DATABASE bloodhound DEFAULT 
@@ -62,6 +67,8 @@
 In the form specified above, the mysql commands will request a password which 
will be the password set on installing mysql. To change this password, you can 
run {{{sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1}}}.
+To continue the installation, refer to BloodhoundDetailedInstallation before 
continuing to the Testing the Server section below.
 == Installation Script ==

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