Author: andrej
Date: Thu Mar 14 15:30:47 2013
New Revision: 1456482

updating BloodhoundSearch page, setting the page to be loaded during bloodhound 


 Thu Mar 14 15:30:47 2013
@@ -1,71 +1,83 @@
 = Bloodhound Search =
-Current version is prototype phase 1. Read more about proposed functionality 
on [wiki:Proposals/BEP-0004 BEP-0004]
+Bloodhound Search is currently in prototype phase. Read more about proposed 
functionality on [wiki:Proposals/BEP-0004 BEP-0004]
 == How to enable Bloodhound Search==
- * Currently, Bloodhound Search is available only for dev configuration. Make 
sure that Bloodhound was installed using requirements-dev.txt:
+Currently, Bloodhound Search is available only for dev configuration. Make 
sure that Bloodhound was installed using requirements-dev.txt:
 pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- * enable bhsearch.* components in trac.ini file
+Enable bhsearch.* components in trac.ini file and set Bloodhound Search as 
default search component
 bhsearch.* = enabled
+is_default = true
- * run initial index rebuild using trac-admin command line tool. TODO: web 
interface should be supported later
+Run initial index rebuild using trac-admin command line tool. TODO: reindexing 
using admin web interface should be supported later
 trac-admin <path_to_trac_environment> bhsearch rebuild
- * Bloodhound Search page will be available in Apps menu | Bloodhound Search
-== Search == #search
-Query syntax is described on wiki:Proposals/BEP-0004/ResourceQuery. Currently 
supported search queries are: 
-* List of all items: "*"
-* Free text search through indexed fields e.g. "some text"
+== How to search == #search
+Click Apps menu and select Bloodhound Search item. You can search use free 
text search or combine search with query syntax. Please consider below a few 
search samples: 
+* Free text search through multiple fields e.g. "some text"
 * Combination of free text and field specific query e.g. "test status:new 
keyword:starter" (default operator is AND)
 * Field specific query e.g. "status:new keyword:starter" (default operator is 
 * Boolean queries e.g. "test OR (status:new and keyword:starter)"
+* Use meta-keywords e.g. "some text $resolved". Read more in [#meta-keywords 
Meta-keywords] chapter
+For more information on query syntax see 
-Currently, only tickets and wiki pages with the following fields are indexed. 
Later more resources and fields will be added.
+Currently, you can search in tickets, wiki pages and milestones (later more 
resources will be added). Use All | Ticket | Wiki | Milestone tabs to search 
entries of specific type.
-Common fields for all resources:
- * id - resource id. For ticket it is ticket id, for wiki it will wiki page 
- * type - resource type e.g. ticket, wiki etc.
- * product - product name
+Bloodhound Search provides basic faceting functionality. Facets are specific 
for each resource type. More complex faceting can be introduced later, for 
example: date rages, pivot faces etc.
+== Supported fields #fields
+=== Common fields for all resources
+ * id - resource id. For ticket it is ticket id, for wiki it is wiki page name.
+ * type - resource type e.g. ticket, wiki, milestone etc.
  * time - resource change time
  * author - resource author. For ticket it is ticket reporter.
  * content - ticket description, wiki page content
- * changes - currently, only ticket comments are indexed
-Ticket specific fields:
+=== Ticket specific fields
  * component
  * status 
  * resolution
  * keywords
  * milestone
  * summary
+ * changes - ticket comments
-Default sort order is by boost score ASC and time DESC
-Default query boosting is: id = 6, type = 2, summary = 5, author = 3, 
milestone = 2, keywords = 2, component = 2, status = 2, content = 1, changes = 
+=== Milestone specific fields
+ * status - possible values are "completed" or "open"
+ * due - milestone due value in date-time format
+== Meta-keywords #meta-keywords
+Consider Bloodhound Search meta-keywords as shortcuts for commonly used query 
expressions. Meta-keyword starts with "$" character. Bloodhound Search supports 
the following meta-keywords:
+ * $resolved - resolved to {{{status:(resolved OR closed)}}} query
+ * $unresolved - resolved to {{{NOT $resolved}}} query
+ * $ticket, $milestone, $wiki - resolved to {{{type:ticket|milestone|wiki}}} 
+ * $me - resolved to currently logged in user name
+ * $my - resolved to {{{owner:$me}}}
+Add wiki macro in order to automatically generate list of supported 
meta-keywords and help description
-== Prototype phase 2 limitations == #limitations
- * Only tickets and wiki pages are indexed.
- * UI does not support faceting
- * Search  does not support meta keywords 
- * Quick jump by ticket id and wiki name is not supported
- * Possible bugs and inconveniences expected for prototype 
-== To be done ==
-Please consider below not complete list of TODOs.
- * UI design for search results including facets and resource specific 
presentation. Initial proposal can be found on 
[wiki:Proposals/BEP-0004#resultview BEP-0004]
- * Add facet support for search UI
- * Improve index quality e.d. add more resources in index (milestones etc.), 
index more fields for ticket. Support pluggable schema generation.
- * Improve search quality
- * Improve index consistency. [=#consistency]  
-   * Current implementation uses ITicketChangeListener interface that triggers 
after DB committed. There is some chances to get inconsistency between DB and 
index. In this case reindex is required. One of the possible solution is 
contact Trac community to introduce a new within transaction  
I<Resource>ChangingListener interface, save changes into additional table and 
index changes in separate thread.
-   * Some ticket changes are not reflected in event interfaces e.g. Version 
and Component renaming. One of the possible solution is to contact Trac 
community to introduce new interfaces.
-   * Alternative solution is triggering events from SQL proxy developed on 
multi-product branch
-   * Usage of DB triggers is another alternative
- * A lot more things to do :)
\ No newline at end of file
+== URL query parameters #parameters
+Bloodhound Search supports the following URL query parameters:
+ * '''q''' - query string, for example: .../bhsearch?q=test
+ * '''type''' - type of resource to search in. Currently, supported types are 
ticket, wiki and milestone, for example: .../bhsearch?type=ticke
+ * '''fq''' - filter query. Filter queries are not boosted and used to 
additionally filter search output. Bloodhound Search joins multiple filter 
queries using AND operator, for example: 
.../bhsearch?fq=status:"new"&fq=component:"c1" results to filter query: 
status:"new" AND component:"c1"
+ * '''pagelen''' - number of rows that should be returned in a single page, 
for example .../bhsearch?pagelen=20. Default pagelen value is 10
+ * '''page''' - number of page in the current result set that should be 
+ * '''view''' - the parameter specify hor search results should presented. 
Currently supported value is {{{grid}}}. If parameter is missing, free text 
presentation will be used. Usage sample: {{{view=grid}}}
+ * '''sort''' - specifies search results sorting. By default, results are 
sorted by relevance score and resource time ({{{sort=score, time desc}}}). 
+  * A sort parameter must include a field name (or the pseudo-field 
{{{score}}}), optionally followed by whitespace (escaped as + or %20 in URL 
strings) and followed by a sort direction ({{{asc}}} or {{{desc}}}). If if 
direction is missing, {{{asc}}} is used by default.
+  * Multiple sort orderings can be separated by a comma, ie: {{{sort=<field 
name>+<direction>[,<field name>+<direction>]...}}} For example: 
{{{sort=component, milestone desc}}}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: incubator/bloodhound/trunk/installer/
--- incubator/bloodhound/trunk/installer/ (original)
+++ incubator/bloodhound/trunk/installer/ Thu Mar 14 
15:30:47 2013
@@ -229,9 +229,12 @@ class BloodhoundSetup(object):
         # final upgrade
         print "Running upgrades"
-        pages =  pkg_resources.resource_filename('bhdashboard',
-                                                 'default-pages')
-        bloodhound.onecmd('wiki load %s' % pages)
+        pages = []
+        pages.append(pkg_resources.resource_filename('bhdashboard',
+                                                 'default-pages'))
+        pages.append(pkg_resources.resource_filename('bhsearch',
+                                                 'default-pages'))
+        bloodhound.onecmd('wiki load %s' % " ".join(pages))
         print "Running wiki upgrades"
         bloodhound.onecmd('wiki upgrade')

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