On Sunday 07 January 2007 21:58, Stefan Kuhn wrote:
> Am Sunday 07 January 2007 22:07 schrieb richard apodaca:
> > > > In the BO paper (JCIM 2006, 991), ref. 30 lists:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.blueobelisk.org/repos/blueobelisk

OK, after playing with the Apache cond file a bit more, I got this URL working 
too now.

> > > Try:
> > > http://wiki.cubic.uni-koeln.de/repos/blueobelisk/
> >
> > Thanks Jean, but I also get 404 with that one. Any
> > ideas?
> Works for me. Please try again, I think it was some temporary
> server/network problem.

No, that was me fiddling with the conf file ;)


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