I've spent an hour on it and done about as much as I can...here are
some comments:

(1) The miscellanous links should be tidied up; there are several
pages with duplicate information

(2) Wiki page titles should include spaces; I've changed a few

(3) I hope I don't offend anyone by removing the authors' names from
the front page. Blue Obelisk is not limited to the authors of these
papers and we don't want to give the impression to potential members
that BO is a closed club

(4) The Planet Blue Obelisk page should have the Planet Blue Obelisk
RSS feed in a prominent position at the very top of the page. Instead,
I can't find it anywhere on that page.

(5) I think that at the moment it is impossible for new members to
subscribe to the BO mailing list (mailman server times out). This
isn't good.

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