> My favourite, though, would be having it as the front page of
> www.blueobelisk.org, and having the wiki hanging off it (rather than
> the other way round). I'm expecting to be alone on that, though...
> Andrew

I agree the Planet BO is a living thing, and if users
come to the BO WIKI and it is virtually dead on the frontpage,
they don't come back. Let there be life...

Maybe the blogs of all BO members could take half of the
entry page from the BlueObelisk WIKI? Or 2/3 and the rest is 
navigation to the WIKI content. This is just an idea, I know I am invited to
edit/change the WIKI :-)

I also find it rather intriguing
that the Blue Obelisk manifesto is published in a journal which 
only subscribers (aka da club) can access. 
The Blue Obelisk - Interoperability in Chemical Informatics, J. Chem. Inf.
Model., 2006, 46, 991-998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ci050400b
Is there any way to liberate the content?


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