2009/11/11 Egon Willighagen <egon.willigha...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Peter Murray-Rust <pm...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> The question of availability of SW is unclear but I think we should
>> definitely go with what Egon has set up. I had seen wider questions like:
>> * what is a good introduction to Lewis structures?
>> * what are the restrictions on using controlled substances int he laboratory
>> * why has F-F a weak bond?
>> * what is the accepted melting point of glycerol
>> * what software can build a reliable 3D model of SF4?
> I suggest we avoid general chemistry questions... there are a few
> options for that around, to keep the noise down. I am not worried
> about having a too small focus, as all questions and answers are
> likely properly indexed by Google/Bing/Yahoo anyway...
>> I'm an optimist and see this as gaining critical mass. I had thought it was
>> harder to get the SO software stack than it is.
> Hardest part was to make the Blue Obelisk banner :)
>> I'd say - go for it and lets' invite a whole range of questions. I have a
>> fairly good idea of what works on SO and how it could translate to
>> chemistry.
> But ODOSOS oriented.
>> We should publicize it, santize the questions to start with (we have to
>> moderate non-chemistry questions like - "Why did Obama win the election?"
>> and argumentaive like "why does program X suck?"
>> I think it has HUGE potential if we get it right.
> I am hoping so too.
>> Peter M-R (http://stackoverflow.com/users/130964/peter-murray-rust on SO -
>> you can see the Q's I have asked and answered).
>> A series of responsible open answers to chemistry questions could have
>> enormous value in chemistry.
> Well, if they include a description on how to reproduce those answers
> with ODOSOS tools, I'm fine with it.
>> Main question is can we run it as it scales?
>> We need to set up BO moderators at the start so some of us need particular
>> permissions.
>> BTW where is it mounted? SO have made quite a play about there hardware
>> stack - they have done it themselves.
> Right now it is hosted by StackExchange. I will look into the other things.
> Another question would be... should I enable Google Adsense? To
> trigger some revenue to be invested in a charity fund promoting
> ODOSOS? Or pay for the StackExchange bill if things get out of
> beta...?

I would focus on building the community first, but I have no objection
in principle.

> Egon
> --
> Post-doc @ Uppsala University
> Homepage: http://egonw.github.com/
> Blog: http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.com/
> PubList: http://www.citeulike.org/user/egonw/tag/papers

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