Here's my final result. I'm satisfied; I'm pretty sure there is no way to
reproduce the results of the OPTIMOL results exactly. In the cases below
I'm convinced there are bugs in OPTIMOL -- mostly in not consistently
recognizing  5-membered rings, but also there is something odd going on in
the empirical bond parameter calculation.


# version=12.3.26_dev
# code: adding empirical rules to MMFF94 calculation
# checkmm.spt;checkAllEnergies
# checking calculated energies for 761 models
# 1 COMKAQ     E=   -7.3250003   Eref=  -7.6177    diff=  0.2926998
# 2 DUVHUX10   E=   64.759995    Eref=  64.082855  diff=  0.6771393
# 3 FORJIF     E=   35.978       Eref=  35.833878  diff=  0.14412308
# 4 JADLIJ     E=   25.104       Eref=  24.7038    diff=  0.4001999
# 5 PHOSLA10   E=   111.232994   Eref=  112.07078  diff=  0.8377838
# 6 PHOSLB10   E=   -93.479004   Eref=  -92.64081  diff=  0.8381958
# for 761 models, 6 have energy differences outside the range -0.1 to 0.1
# with a standard deviation of 0.05309403
# a comment about empirical bond parameter calculation:
#    // Well, guess what? As far as I can tell, in Eqn 18 on page 625,
#    // the reduction term and delta are zero.
#    // -- at least in the program run that is at the validation site:
#    //  OPTIMOL: Molecular and Macromolecular Optimization Package
17-Nov-98 16:01:23
#    // SGI double-precision version ... Updated 5/6/98
#    //
#    // This calculation is run only for the following three structures. In
each case the
#    // reported validation values and values from Jmol 12.3.26_dev are
shown. Clearly
#    // the r0 calculated and final energies are very good. subtracting off
0.008 from
#    // r0 would certainly not give the reported values. Something is odd
#    //
#    //             bond      red*     r0(here/valid)  kb(here/valid)
#    //
#    // OHWM1       H1-O1     0.03      0.978/0.978       7.510/7.51
#    // ERULE_03    Si1-P1    0.0       2.223/2.224       1.614/1.609
-2.983/ -2.93518
#    // ERULE_06    N1-F1     0.0       1.381/1.379       5.372/5.438
1.582/  1.58172
#    //
#    // *reduction and delta terms not used in Jmol's calculation

Robert M. Hanson
Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Ave.
Northfield, MN 55057
phone: 507-786-3107

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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