On Jul 22, 2014, at 3:50 PM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
> Nice, but note the casual redefinition of open source.
> - Noel

Because of this thread, I sent an email to the organizer for clarification.

A bit of background to start off:

   This workshop in cheminformatics is relatively small, between
   30 and 50 people that meets for over 10 years now. Among them
   main contributors are Igor Tetko (neural network property
   prediction), Peter Ertl (jme applet) and Thomas Sanders
   (webreactions and property explorer).

Regarding open source, their main criteria are that the software source be 
available at no cost from a web site, and be available for review, so that 
people can get "a chance to learn from the source code."

They will accept software "even if you are not allowed to redistribute, embed, 
use for commercial application, ..." it. For example, they will accept a 
'non-commercial use only' license.

I think it's fair to say they allow open source *and* shared source (a la 
Microsoft) except not allow "free software for a fee".

It sounds like a nice workshop. The program is at:



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