Thanks everyone - and keep suggestions coming.

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison <> wrote:

> > I have suggested that there are Open tools that they may not yet have
> discovered. They have needs for (at least):
> >  * 2-D chemical editor and display
> I do not think such a thing currently exists. The ChemDoodle tool, while
> not open, is at least low cost, and they do support open source web
> components (
> This is a sorely lacking area.
It might be useful to categorize those areas where more effort would be
valuable. Did John May put effort into JChempaint - what I saw was
certainly improved from when I last visited it. Is it a useful tool, being
used? And if not is it capable of being developed.
It's a pity that JME is not open - after about 20 years.

Graphics libraries have improved - a good MSc student could develop an
editor - should we have a wish list that could be distributed?

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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