On 11 April 2017 at 08:37, John Mayfield <john.wilkinson...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11 April 2017 at 04:37, Robert Hanson <hans...@stolaf.edu> wrote:
>>> 2) What did you get for the other test case, that one checks you have the
>>> ordering ranking for atomic masses.
>>>> CC[C@@](CO)([H])[14CH2]C
>> R.
> There you go, that should also be S, ordering is: *CO, *[14CH2]C, *CC, *[H]
> https://nextmovesoftware.com/blog/2015/01/21/r-or-s-lets-vote/.
>> Q: Is there software that does a nice job with producing digraphs from

>> Q: Doesn't this argue against the "Why bother doing this -- it's been done
>> seven times already" argument? Which one is IUPAC-2013-standard?
> It wasn't me who said that,

Nor did I - "I've no problem anyone reimplementing anything for fun or
profit, but I have to disagree with the suggestion that having an N'th
implementation of the same algorithm is progress, or good for this
community." No need to get annoyed, Bob - I've said the same to John.
And probably worse. But I think you're playing devil's advocate a bit
here, or maybe I didn't put it very tactfully. I think we can all
agree that the development of a shared resource in this area (in
whatever form) would be valuable, and hopefully John's talk (and
perhaps your implementation too) will be the first steps in this

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