Dear All,

we are using CML to store thermophysical properties of solvent mixtures. This has worked very nicely for us,  however there remain doubts about the validity of our CML, as discussed last week with E. Willighagen at the Beilstein Open Science Symposium.

You can find the CML files and the scripts used to generate them from csv here:

And the original publication here:

We are working on another publication using CML and would like to improve the way we work with CML.

Colleagues working on a metadata database ( ) have informed us that they need a CML schema for automated upload of our CML files into their database.

Any assistance you can provide assisting us in this matter is welcome, and will be acknowledged appropriately in our next publication.

Best regards

Gudrun Gygli


Gudrun Gygli, PhD
Institute of Biochemistry and Technical Biochemistry
University of Stuttgart
Allmandring 31, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone   (+49)- 71168567058

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