Hi All

System: Blue onyx/Centos 5.5 


I got a few http sides on this server and only one web which has enabled https:

[root@nonsens sites]# apachectl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS
VirtualHost configuration: is a NameVirtualHost
         default server admin.nonsens.mydomain.com...
         port 80 namevhost admin.nonsens.mydomain.com...
         port 80 namevhost www.customer1.com 
         port 80 namevhost www.customer2.com
         port 80 namevhost www.customer3.com
         port 80 namevhost www.customer4.com
         ...         www.customer4.com (mod_perl:2)

customer4.com ist the only Domain on this Server which has SSL Certificats and 
SSL enabled in the BlueOnyx GUI. https acces to this Domain works. Problem is 
that any other domain on the Server (ex. www.customer1.com) is forwarded to 
customer4.com when accessing it via https.

So if i browse to https://www.customer1.com it is forwarded to 
https://www.customer4.com. Same happens with the other customer domains. 

Since the SSL Config is build "dynamically" in BlueOnyx via a perl script i 
dont know where the problem occurs.

Anyone knows this behavior.

Thanks for advice.

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