----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephanie Sullivan" <s...@aviaweb.com>
To: "'BlueOnyx General Mailing List'" <blueonyx@mail.blueonyx.it>
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 8:42 AM
Subject: [BlueOnyx:07602] Port grabbing - anyone else seeing this??

> Has anyone else been experiencing port grabbing. Here is my latest 
> example.
> I went to restart admserv just after updating yum to current. It failed to
> restart because portsentry was latched onto port 81.
> OK, I shutdown portsentry and tried again. Oops - now MailScanner has 81.
> OK I shutdown MailScanner and tried again. Oops - now saslauth has 81...
> Then dovecot, bash, and so forth. After shutting down a bunch of stuff I 
> was
> finally about to restart admserv.
> Is this only me? Anyone know what is causing this?
> Thanks,
> -Stephanie


In a perl script that I use to monitor admserv, it checks for processes 
using port 444 and kills them.  I have not seen it on port 81

if ($running eq "no") {
         print "admserv problem -  restart it \n";
         system ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/admserv stop");
         sleep (5);

         $fuser =`/sbin/fuser 444/tcp`;
         chomp ($fuser);
         ($prev0, $processtokill)  = split(/tcp:/,$fuser);

         print "The /fuser of 444  is $fuser \n";
         if ($processtokill =~ /\d/){
            system ("kill -9 $processtokill");
            print      "I killed  $processtokill \n";

         system ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/admserv start");


Ken M
Precision Web Hosting, Inc.

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