On 28 Jul 2011, at 13:46, Steven Howes wrote:
> On 28 Jul 2011, at 11:49, Steven Howes wrote:
>> Interestingly, running '/usr/sbin/swatch -c /etc/swatch.conf' from the 
>> command line doesn't produce the error..
> So it looks like it's not getting the environment. Will try doing stuff...

Replying to myself again - probably bad etiquette..

[root@nunsuch sbin]# cat /etc/cron.d/swatch.cron 
# swatch is the system watcher
*/15 * * * *    root    /usr/sbin/swatch.sh

[root@nunsuch sbin]# cat /usr/sbin/swatch.sh 
export LANG=en_US
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LINGUAS="en_US ja da_DK de_DE"
/usr/sbin/swatch -c /etc/swatch.conf

Does fix it, but it's more than a little hacky. Perhaps someone with a bit more 
experience with using environment variables with Perl might be able to provide 
a real solution..

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