Hi, hope someone can help...

We've got a BlueQuartz server which we've been meaning to upgrade to BX but not 
had a chance.  Since a update a few days ago the server load has been a bit 
high with users commenting on slow page response times.  Running 'service httpd 
restart' will solve the problem for a few minutes but it returns.

The yum.log output is: 

Oct 21 06:00:34 Updated: udev.i386 039-10.31.el4
Oct 21 06:00:34 Updated: httpd-suexec.i386 2.0.52-49.ent.centos4
Oct 21 06:00:38 Updated: httpd-manual.i386 2.0.52-49.ent.centos4
Oct 21 06:00:41 Updated: httpd.i386 2.0.52-49.ent.centos4
Oct 21 06:00:41 Updated: mod_ssl.i386 1:2.0.52-49.ent.centos4

Has anyone else seen this problem?

I will try and get up to BX ASAP, but it's not going to happen for about a 
month - any help to keep this box alive would be appreciated.



Morgan Web
Web: www.morgan-web.co.uk
Email: i...@morgan-web.co.uk
Telephone: 01656 741139

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