Steffan wrote:
> Treid to add a site on a vps BO
> Getting this message
> The site could not be created, because the system was unable to create the
> site system group.
> Checking the oid's
> 1-1848,1890-1962,1964-2473,2488-2490,
> /usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids reports:
> 1-1848,1890-1962,1964-2473,2488-2490,2494-2501
> But when doing a  
> ls -al /usr/sausalito/codb/objects/
> 2494-2501 are there and those sites are in the gui So I cant remove
> 2494-2501

Michael Stauber has documented a way to sync the OIDs in BlueOnyx that 
you may find helpful.   Look to post BlueOnyx:09740 for more information.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ
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