Hi Greg,

Thanks again for your help.  I've run the script and here's what happened for 

* I ran the script and the output was almost identical except for the second 
number -- not sure if that matters
* I stopped CCE (this took a few minutes, which made me nervous, but it 
eventually worked without erroring)
* I updated the /usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids file with the first line of 
information from the script
* I restarted CCE
* I went into the GUI and viewed the list of Secondary DNS.
* This list contained 68 empty records.
* I attempted to delete a record, which had no error, but also no affect.
* I ran my script again hoping that it would remove all records and re-add them 
from the master list -- the script hung like before.
* While waiting for the script to finish, I scanned down the list of records 
noting that the first had its own target id, while the others shared the same 
id (I had not reloaded the page since starting my script, so this was the 
output after the update to the oids index file).
* Eventually my script actually finished (though it could have been kicked out 
when I restarted CCED in an attempt to stop it from hanging).
* Unfortunately, now clicking the "Edit Secondary Services" button in the GUI 
hangs (I've left it for 12 minutes with no response).

Any thoughts?

Of note:
        * We're using a BQ box at this time (planning to move it to BlueOnyx in 
the coming 1-2 months).
        * I ran the corruption checker script again and the oids are the same 
still, so that's good.

Again, thank you for your help!

Matt James
Web Programmer
RainStorm Consulting
(207) 866-3908

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:32 AM, Greg Kuhnert wrote:

> On 3/30/2012 8:04 AM, Matt James wrote:
>> Now, no matter what I do, I'm unable to make any changes to the CCE 
>> database even directly through the GUI.  If I attempt to edit and save 
>> the remaining Secondary DNS record, the GUI hangs upon save.  If I 
>> attempt to run my script, the script hangs.  If I attempt to use the 
>> dns cleaner script written in Perl (found here 
>> http://oldonce.gknsonline.com/bq-dnsImport.php), the script hangs.  If 
>> I even attempt to disable DNS in the GUI, saving that hangs.
> One more thing - That page is a static archive that I created ages ago 
> to preserve some of the work of nuonce - the script is out of date, and 
> its probably time to take that site offline.
> The replacement scripts are now in an RPM that you can install
> yum install blueonyx-dnstoolbox
> The  scripts will be installed in /usr/sausalito/sbin
> Regards,
> Greg.
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