On 04/26/2012 09:27 AM, Dogsbody wrote:
> Has anyone done this?  I have one site that send a lot of mail and I 
> don't want their mail affecting the reputation of the rest of the sites 
> on this server.
> Moving their website to a separate IP is easy however their email will 
> still be sent via the main IP of the server.  Before I dive headlong 
> into conf files,  does anyone know how to setup sendmail so that email 
> for one domain is sent via a virtual IP instead of the main one?
> Any pointers welcome.

I did similar on a Debian system for a client by running a second
sendmail instance. It's tricky and I'm not sure of the implications on a
BlueOnyx system. As I recall we may have used the url below as a guide.


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