> Here is my Vhost container which works. The site has "web alias 
> redirects" ticked. But I also tested it with that checkbox unticked, 
> in which case additional "RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}" lines will be 
> added for each web alias.
> Additionally this site has PHP and suPHP, CGI and SSI enabled.

Re-imported the site to restore the cert. Clearly the import is broken. I
modified cmu.xml to insert the ca-cert in the same fashion as the working
site. No change. I thought maybe it was a naming issue but no change. The SSL
works as long as the rewrite is commented out. Tried it with everything
(php,ssi,suphp) enabled.

Still getting the 301 loop with SSL on all the sites except one.
Interestingly, looking at the debug revealed that the working site is the last
one to load. Coincidence?

Any ideas?
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