>> On 12/26/2012 4:52 AM, Dogsbody wrote:
>> I have two sites (example.com and example.net) We'd like mail to go to
>> both domains but separate websites...
>> ... email is running fine and the sites work fine but I can't send any
>> email from the www.example.net site at all.
>On 26/12/2012 19:45, David Hahn wrote:
> Not sure this will help..... Why not add a alias? what does the mx
> records show for those domains?
> Make sure they are not the same. one should have a hostname
> the other won't.. I use the 5th argument in $mail_exit =
> @mail(to,subject,body,headers,-f your.domain.com); to force
> a valid return-to: address, make sure the email is enabled in the GUI
> and its not disabled. php runs as apache.
> Some may not allow email unless the headers make a little sense.

Thank you David,

I was kinda hoping to hack the server config itself instead of having to 
hack wordpress.  I'm happy with custom changes to server config files 
that will rarely change but wordpress it updated all the time! :-/

Any other ideas, I can't believe I'm the first to come across this.  Is 
it a suPHP "feature"?

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