----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Barker" <ad...@probass.com>
To: "BlueOnyx General Mailing List" <blueo...@blueonyx.it>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:28 PM
Subject: [BlueOnyx:11891] Need to remove a rejected IP

>I used this command to block an attacker
> route add -net x.x.x.x netmask reject
> if I do a netstat -nrl I get this
> x.x.x.x  -      !H        - -          - -
> How do I get it removed ?
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> Happy New Year to all
> -- 
> +---------------------------------------------+
>  Richard C. Barker Sr.


Probably the same command with del instead of add. 

To see the man entry for it, type
man route

Or, if you reboot the server, that will remove it.

Ken Marcus
Blueonyx mailing list

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