On 4/3/2013 9:37 AM, fra...@iaw.on.ca wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running BlueOnyx 3.20110922 .  We have had a lot of unauthorized
> relaying only for a certain user.  We even changed her password but it's
> still doing it.
> In the eMail section of Network services I have it checked off to Enable
> SMTP Auth and POP Authenticated relaying.
> It's only happening to the one user which is confusing me.  What else can
> i set to tighten up the relaying?
> Thanks.
> Here is a log entry:
> Apr  3 10:58:56 raq2 sendmail[9296]: AUTH=server,
> relay=ip- [],
> authid=mmagno, mech=LOGIN, bits=0
> Apr  3 11:02:05 raq2 sendmail[12291]: AUTH=server,
> relay=host-81-190-162-132.gorzow.mm.pl [], authid=mmagno,
> mech=LOGIN, bits=0
> Apr  3 11:02:20 raq2 sendmail[12306]: AUTH=server,
> relay=124-218-75-60.cm.dynamic.apol.com.tw [] (may be
> forged), authid=mmagno, mech=LOGIN, bits=0
> Apr  3 11:03:14 raq2 sendmail[13029]: AUTH=server,
> relay=triband-mum- [],
> authid=mmagno, mech=LOGIN, bits=0
> Apr  3 11:06:20 raq2 sendmail[15029]: AUTH=server, relay=[],
> authid=mmagno, mech=LOGIN, bits=0
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Spammers have the mmagno password.
It seems like restarting sendmail and dovecot would be enough.  But for 
some reason I have seen successful authids after doing that. Maybe they 
are cached somewhere.

If you  reboot the server after the password change. That will do it.

Ken Marcus

Blueonyx mailing list

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