On 2/11/2014 2:29 PM, Colin Jack wrote:
> Just done the large yum update on one of my 5106 servers and now seeing
> this in the GUI:
> Warning:
> unlink(/usr/sausalito/ui/style/BlueOnyx.xml.compiled.057b53bc07bbed67e5e581
> bad99d4314) [function.unlink
> <https://server.domain.co.uk:81/base/swupdate/function.unlink>]:
> Permission denied in /usr/sausalito/ui/libPhp/uifc/Stylist.php on line 352
> Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
>   by (output started at /usr/sausalito/ui/libPhp/uifc/Stylist.php:352) in
>   /usr/sausalito/ui/libPhp/uifc/Page.php on line 142
> Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
>   by (output started at /usr/sausalito/ui/libPhp/uifc/Stylist.php:352) in
>   /usr/sausalito/ui/libPhp/uifc/Page.php on line 146
> Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
>   by (output started at /usr/sausalito/ui/libPhp/uifc/Stylist.php:352) in
>   /usr/sausalito/ui/libPhp/uifc/Page.php on line 153
> Any clues on how to fix? I canĀ¹t be the only one. :)
> Thanks
> Colin

Colin, have you tried stopping then starting the GUI?

service admserv stop
service admserv start

Also, you haven't modified any of the PHP on the server (other than 
install a PKG from Solarspeed / Compass) have you?

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ
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