On 17/02/14 16:14, Dogsbody wrote:
> If anyone can point me to the ciphers needed for Outlook 2007 then that
> would be very very appreciated :-)

If anyone else has this problem I have found a slightly better workaround...

ssl_cipher_list = 

... it is no where near as good as the default config in BlueOnyx thanks 
to the *awesome* work Michael has done but it is better than the config 
we had last month before this update came out.

The source for this cipherlist is the dovecot mailing list:

Michael.  Any chance of getting the certificate authority fix added to 
the setup though please?  This will definitely benefit everyone...

cp /etc/admserv/certs/ca-certs /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/ca.pem
vi /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf
   ssl_ca = </etc/pki/dovecot/certs/ca.pem
service dovecot restart

Thank you again

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