Hi Dirk,

> Problem on vsite creation (5209R)
> When you create a new vsite in the GUI there are some bugs 
> after/while creating/saving the new vsite.
> - the maximum allowed disk space in general settings is 
>   changed to a value of -1M.

Can you please run "tail -f /var/log/messages" during a Vsite create on
a 5209R and report me back the results?

The Vsite create works in various stages. There is an initial "CREATE
Vsite ...", which creates the Vsite. That will create it with default
settings and "-1" (unlimited) diskspace.

Then various "SET ..." transactions run and set the configured settings.
Including the one for the diskspace. Apparently there is an error during
that chain of SET commands, so the desired diskspace never gets set and
it is left at "-1" (unlimited).

I wonder what the error is and /var/log/messages will tell me that.

> - If you forget to fill a required field, and you regardless click on 
>   save, the status bar looks like the site will be saved but nothing 
>   happens.

I know and I'm not happy with this either. On pages with multiple tabs
you might have an error. If the error is on a tab that's currently not
visible, then this is particularly annoying.

To fix this I need a jQuery check that on validation errors prevents the
showing of the progress bar and (ideally) makes the (first) tab with
errors active.

It sounds trivial, but I didn't yet manage to code it as my jQuery
coding skills are not as good as they'd need to be. :-(

> After creation you will be forwarded to vsite list, but the new 
> created vsite is not visible. You need to refresh the website
> to find the new vsite in list to manage.

Hmmm. I've never seen *that* one before. That's pretty strange.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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