Post install scripts … Generally, it is running a bunch of constructors or 
other scripts that are making sure your settings are correct for the PHP 
version.  Without more data, I could not tell you with certainty the root cause 
of your problem. The next time you do an install, open a shell before 
installing and run some PS or TOP commands to find out what your server is 
doing… Share back the name of anything that stands out, and we can dig further…


> On 15 Jul 2016, at 10:07 PM, Felix Kaegi <> wrote:
> Hi
> I noticed that every time I initiate a PHP update the executing post-install 
> script(s) shows a 95% progress for many hours that can stretch even beyond a 
> day. What could be the reason for the sluggishness of this update process? 
> Other Third Party Software updates are being processed reasonably fast.
> Best regards
> Felix
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