We have had problems in the past sending e-mails to Microsoft companies (yahoo, 
outlook, Hotmail etc) from our BO box.

The message we get back in the log is

Feb 20 13:54:01 centos7 postfix/smtp[549]: 0D4B13F28A49: 
to=<xxx...@hotmail.com>, relay=mx2.hotmail.com[]:25, delay=24, 
delays=23/0/0.14/0.04, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host 
mx2.hotmail.com[] said: 550 SC-001 (BAY004-MC4F21) Unfortunately, 
messages from 208.67.xxx.xxx weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service 
provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer 
your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx#errors. (in 
reply to MAIL FROM command))

For the last few months we have been fortunate to have access to a machine that 
is allowed to deliver to Microsoft domains. But due to circumstances beyond our 
control, we are losing access to that machine next week.

I have spent a lot of time reading the nonsense document at mail.live.com and 
am no closer to understanding what we have to do.

How is everyone handling getting mail delivered to Microsoft customers?

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