Not sure if anyone has noticed but it has been a pet peeve of mine for a while, 
as I skip between screens, for example, in Stie Management I can change the 
“Show [10] entries” to 50 and there is no way to save it that I can see… as 
when I go back to the site management tab, it reverts to 10.

The same if I go to Sever Management>Network Services>DNS, click on edit 
primary services, as many people have lots of DNS entries if they use sub 
domains, etc… select 50, click save down the bottom (as I have no idea what 
else it would be for) and it reverts immediately to 10 again.

I know this is not a system stopping bug, but it is something that I am finding 
more frustrating the more domains I have hosted.

I could not see any previous entries for this either, for a work around type of 


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