Hi Meaulnes,

> I encountered a weird problem: a virtual site uses uses more then the
> attributed disk space: 115% ! At /:81/disk/serverDiskUsage/, it displays
> Now can anyone tell me where that log file is? A search with find
> /home/.sites -type f -size +200000k -exec ls -FAl {} \; showed only
> large mboxes, but no log files. Or is it the sum of all logfiles? Which

This is the sum of all logfiles owned by user "SITE1-logs" (in your case).

These logs usually reside in the /logs directory of the Vsite.

Example: /home/sites/<Vsite-Name>/logs

There is also a weird case where some logs might eventually end up being
owned by the wrong user/group. You can fix that by running this command:


My suggestion: Run that command and then see if the disk usage for logs
for that Vsite dropped back to normal levels.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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