And the real bummer still exists in that the server
still accepts the email up front, then cannot deliver
and ends up trying to bounce to a likely bogus address
or list that does not do bounces, so we end up with even
more "mailer-daemon" email in queue.

Larry Smith

On Thu December 13 2018 08:52, Meaulnes Legler @ MailList wrote:
> On 12.12.18 01:52, Michael Stauber wrote:
> >> When an account is suspended a few things happen: - /usr/sbin/usermod -L
> >> <username> is used to lock the account. - The password-hash of the user
> >> gets prefixed with ! to disable logins. - Email forwarding/autoresponder
> >> are turned off.
> >
> > That's now been fixed on 5207R, 5208R and 5209R. I also had to update the
> > AV-SPAM, as a certain handler will run (if the AV-SPAM is installed) that
> > messes with the home directory of users on suspend/unsuspend. That also
> > wasn't applying the correct permissions when a user was getting
> > suspended. Both updates are now available via YUM for all relevant
> > platforms.
> thank you Michael!
> of course, users that were previously suspended had to *be enabled again
> and then re-suspended* for a successful ban.
> But: isn't the Procmail bump message a bit too verbose? Why is the full
> path of the user displayed?
> The original message was received at Wed, 12 Dec 2018 09:48:49 +0100
> from []
>     ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> <>
>      (reason: Can't create output)
>     ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> procmail: Lock failure on
> "/home/.sites/112/site7/.users/39/claude/mbox.lock" procmail: Error while
> writing to "/home/.sites/112/site7/.users/39/claude/mbox" 550 5.0.0
> <>... Can't create output
> Can one edit a configuration file to tamper this?
> I would prefer that the message would read «no such user here». Can I
> achieve this?
> Or can I spoof Procmail/Sendmail to assume that that user doesn't exist?
> The not suspended user could still login and view his files, just not send
> & receive e-mail... I tried User List > Basic Settings > Disable User's
> Email [√] but it doesn't prevent the mbox to get mails...
> Thank you and best regards
> _~_
> '¿')
> `-´    Meaulnes Legler
>   Zurich, Switzerland
> +41¦0 44 260 16 60

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