
I seem to be having trouble with FTP on 5209R:

$ ftp
ftp> op
Connected to (
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection

# systemctl status xinetd
● xinetd.service - Xinetd A Powerful Replacement For Inetd
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xinetd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2019-09-13 10:11:34 CDT; 13min ago
  Process: 6514 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/ $EXTRAOPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 6515 (xinetd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/xinetd.service
           └─6515 /usr/sbin/xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/

Sep 13 10:11:58 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: EXIT: ftp status=0 pid=6524 duration=0(sec) Sep 13 10:15:02 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: START: ftp pid=7038 from=::ffff: Sep 13 10:15:02 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: EXIT: ftp status=0 pid=7038 duration=0(sec) Sep 13 10:21:20 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: START: ftp pid=7454 from=::ffff:*[red.act.te.d]* Sep 13 10:21:20 *[redacted]* xinetd[7454]: warning: can't get client address: Connection reset by peer Sep 13 10:21:20 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: EXIT: ftp status=0 pid=7454 duration=0(sec) Sep 13 10:22:59 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: START: ftp pid=7541 from=::ffff:*[red.act.te.d]* Sep 13 10:22:59 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: EXIT: ftp status=0 pid=7541 duration=0(sec) Sep 13 10:23:07 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: START: ftp pid=7551 from=::ffff: Sep 13 10:23:07 *[redacted]* xinetd[6515]: EXIT: ftp status=0 pid=7551 duration=0(sec)

FTP is enabled in the GUI, but the daemon won't start. I've tried restarting xinetd to no avail.  We haven't changed anything from the default proftpd configuration as far as I'm aware.

How do I get this up and running?

 - Brent
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