Hi RC,

> we have two newly install vps and neither are accessable via broswers
> try to do yum update and get this error:
> yum update -y
> Loaded plugins: blueonyx, fastestmirror
> Determining fastest mirrors
> Could not retrieve mirrorlist
> http://updates.blueonyx.it/index.php?release=7&arch=x86_64 error was
> 14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: updates.blueonyx.it; Unknown error"
Looks like these VPS's can't resolve domain names. In the Aventurin{e}
GUI go to VPS management and in the "VPS basic settings" of that VPS
check that you have working nameservers configured for them.

Also: Check inside the VPS's if /etc/resolv.conf has that info.

You can enter the VPS's with "prlctl enter <NAME>" or "prlctl enter
<UUID>" from the node. You can see the UUID or NAME when you type "list"
on the node.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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