Hi Maurice,

> When trying to migrate a particular vsite from 5209R to 5210R with easy
> migrate an error pops up in the handler validate_email.pl
> What might be related is that this particular vsite has email disabled
> and the one and only user of this vsite also has email disabled.
> When trying to migrate with the debug setting in this handler set to on,
> the following pops up in the log:
> Nov 20 14:14:52 centos8 cced(smd)[25658]: client
> 0:handlers/base/vsite/vsite_create.pl: CREATE  ProtectedEmailAlias
> action = nobody site = site2 build_maps = 0 fqdn = "{fqdn}" alias = nobody
> Nov 20 14:14:52 centos8 journal[27492]: pperld

Even if email is sdisabled for a Vsite, upon Vsite creation this handler
runs through an automatism that populates "ProtectedEmailAlias" with
entries for all the email aliases that this Vsite might NOT use. The
entry "nobody" is on that list of protected email aliases.

In your case it tried to create that "ProtectedEmailAlias" CODB entry
for the alias "nobody" and realized: It's already there. Hence it
errored out.

My recommendation: Delete that Vsite from the GUI on the target 5210R.
When that is done, check with "cceclient" to see if there are any
"ProtectedEmailAlias" entries for that Vsite left:

[root@5210r buildarea_5200r]# /usr/sausalito/bin/cceclient
100 CSCP/0.99
find ProtectedEmailAlias site=site2
104 OBJECT 45
104 OBJECT 46
104 OBJECT 47
104 OBJECT 51
104 OBJECT 49
104 OBJECT 48
201 OK

In this case I checked for any "ProtectedEmailAlias" entries for
"site=site2" and it returned six of them. Which - in my case - is OK,
because that Vsite still exists.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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