On 27.01.20 17:39, Richard Sidlin wrote:
I require a webmail facility on my 5210R. I see that the only up to date piece 
of software for the BO servers is RoundCubemail. Can anyone confirm that this 
is fine to use? One other thing, it doesn’t have 5210R listed as a compatible 
server. Will this version work or is this work in progress?

hm this is interesting, I'm glad you brought this up... I was considering 
upgrading my 5209Rs to 5210R, but if it's true that 5210R don't have RC webmail 
— what I nearly can't believe — then I'll postpone it.

で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660


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