
In the /network/ethernet control panel,
It seems that "IPv6 IP Address (optional)" and "IPv6 Server Gateway (optional)" are not saved unless both are entered.

Input only "IPv6 IP Address (optional)" will not be saved.
No validation error is displayed either.
Also its limitations in form has not been described.

Is this a specification? Is it a bug?


2020-05-22 15:28 に Tomohiro Hosaka さんは書きました:

I debugged out by commenting out File::NFSLock.

I knew the cause was next.

# ack -H -C IPv6_ipAddressFieldeth0
186-                    }
187-                }
188:                if
((isset($attributes['IPv6_ipAddressFieldeth0'])) &&
(isset($attributes['gatewayField_IPv6']))) {
189:                    if (($attributes['IPv6_ipAddressFieldeth0'] !=
"") && ($attributes['gatewayField_IPv6'] != "")) {
190-                        $got_IPv6 = '1';
191-                        $IPType = 'IPv6';

Apparently the "IPv6 Server Gateway" doesn't seem to be empty to set
"IPv6 IP Address".

I am glad if there are notes near the field.


2020年5月22日(金) 14:32 Tomohiro Hosaka <boku...@gmail.com>:

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your reply.

ipv6 field is entered without including the netmask.

Partially changed for debugging.

% diff -u /usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl-00
    --- /usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl-00
2020-05-22 13:57:46.591675177 +0900
    +++ /usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl
2020-05-22 14:00:29.929898104 +0900
    @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
use lib qw(/usr/sausalito/perl /usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network);

     # Debugging switch:
    -$DEBUG = "0";
    +$DEBUG = "1";
     if ($DEBUG) {
             use Data::Dumper;
             use Sys::Syslog qw( :DEFAULT setlogsock);
    @@ -46,6 +46,14 @@

     # Try to get an exclusive lock on myself.
     my $lock = File::NFSLock->new($0, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
    +use Cwd;
    +my $cwd = getcwd;
    +if ($lock) {
    +    &debug_msg("File::NFSLock succeeded. cwd:$cwd \$0:$0
    +else {
    +    &debug_msg("File::NFSLock failed.    cwd:$cwd \$0:$0
     die "$0 is already running.\n" unless $lock;



May 22 14:00:36 XXXXX cced(smd)[28437]: client [0:28436] has admin rights May 22 14:00:36 XXXXX cced(smd)[28439]: client [0:28438] has admin rights May 22 14:00:36 XXXXX cced(smd)[28441]: client [0:28440] has admin rights May 22 14:00:36 XXXXX cced(smd)[28443]: client [0:28442] has admin rights May 22 14:00:36 XXXXX cced(smd)[28445]: client [0:28444] has admin rights May 22 14:00:37 XXXXX cced(smd)[28453]: client [0:28452] has admin rights May 22 14:00:38 XXXXX cced(smd)[28462]: client [0:28461] has admin rights
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET
1 "nw_update" "=" "0"
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX journal: pperld
/usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl: : File::NFSLock
failed.    cwd:/usr/sausalito $0:pperld
/usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl errstr:Couldn't
open "pperld /usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl.tmp.3639.28475.2493"
[No such file or directory]
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: handler
handlers/base/network/change_route.pl failed
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: WARNING, WARNING,
WARNING!!! Cleanup stage FAILED
May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET succeeded
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET
1 "IPType" "=" "IPv4"
May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET succeeded
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET
1 "gateway" "=" "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" "domainname" "=" "XXXX.XX"
"gateway_IPv6" "=" "" "dns" "=" "&" "hostname" "=" "XXXXX"
May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET succeeded
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET
2 "bootproto" "=" "none" "netmask" "=" "" "ipaddr" "="
"XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" "ipaddr_IPv6" "=" "" "refresh" "=" "1590123636"
"enabled" "=" "1"
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX journal: pperld
/usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl: : File::NFSLock
failed.    cwd:/usr/sausalito $0:pperld
/usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl errstr:Couldn't
open "pperld /usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl.tmp.3639.28493.1720"
[No such file or directory]
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: handler
handlers/base/network/change_route.pl failed
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: WARNING, WARNING,
WARNING!!! Cleanup stage FAILED
May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET succeeded
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET
1 "nw_update" "=" "1590123636"
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX journal: pperld
/usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl: : File::NFSLock
failed.    cwd:/usr/sausalito $0:pperld
/usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl errstr:Couldn't
open "pperld /usr/sausalito/handlers/base/network/change_route.pl.tmp.3639.28507.4495"
[No such file or directory]
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: handler
handlers/base/network/change_route.pl failed
    May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: WARNING, WARNING,
WARNING!!! Cleanup stage FAILED
May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28468]: client 6:[49:23629]: SET succeeded May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28516]: client [0:28515] has admin rights May 22 14:00:39 XXXXX cced(smd)[28519]: client [0:28518] has admin rights May 22 14:00:42 XXXXX cced(smd)[28529]: client [0:28528] has admin rights

Is it around File::NFSLock?
It seems that File::NFSLock does not exist in 5208R.

I was aware in the past

    # Debugging switch:
    $DEBUG = "0";
    if ($DEBUG) {
            use Data::Dumper;
            use Sys::Syslog qw( :DEFAULT setlogsock);

This doesn't work as intended.
Also runs with $DEBUG=0

`use` operates in compile phase.
More on perldoc -f use

I think the overhead of loading these two modules is small,
if you really want to

    BEGIN { $DEBUG = "1" }
    use if $DEBUG, "Data::Dumper";
    use if $DEBUG, "Sys::Syslog" => qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);


    $DEBUG = 1;
    if ($DEBUG) {
        require Data::Dumper;
        require Sys::Syslog;
        Sys::Syslog->import(qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock));

In the latter case, you cannot omit the parentheses in the call to Dumper().

I also want to post from boku...@bokut.in.
I am using boku...@gmail.com because it is rejected by ML.
Isn't it troublesome to ask for permission?
( Automatic folding of gmail is also annoying. )


2020年5月22日(金) 4:42 Michael Stauber <mstau...@blueonyx.it>:
> Hi Tomohiro Hosaka,
> > Looking at https://www.blueonyx.it/news/223/15/BlueOnyx-IPv6-Suppor, I
> > think IPv6 will work.
> Yeah, IPv6 support is working in 5209R and 5210R.
> >>From the web control panel
> > Entering a valid IP for [System Setting -> TCP/IP -> Primary Interface
> > -> IPv6 IP Address] is not saved.
> >
> > Even if I set it from /root/network_settings.sh, it does not appear in
> > the above web control panel.
> >
> > What could be the problem?
> Could you please run a "tail -f /var/log/messages" and while that is
> running try to set an IPv6 IP address again?
> I'd like to see what the reported error message from CCEd is.
> Are you by chance entering the IPv6 IP *with* a netmask? That might be
> the problem. You have to entere it without the netmask.
> --
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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