Not a viable option.

That would create an administrative nightmare, and offer zero benefit.
For starters, the DNS is not the same server.

Moving users is easy, telling the world to change their bookmarks for the
old urls is not. BX is not going to automatically add hundreds of
sub-domains in anticpation that they may be used or not

Before I would do that, I would resort to an older BX that still supported
user owned webs.

- Ernie.

> Ernie wrote:
>  > Some big sites do it the other way around  username.FQDN
>  > eg.
>  >
>  > So user owned webs are a massive part of the Internet.
> Actually those are sub-domains which the 5210R does support.
> That is what I would recommend you see about moving these users to.
> Thanks,
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> I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of 
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