To essentially disable any particular rule,
create a file ""  in the directory
/etc/mail/spamassassin/ and put the following
score <RULE_NAME> 0

eg: for RATS_DYNA you would enter:
score RATS_DYNA 0

and then restart spamassassin (and the milter if running).

Larry Smith

On Thu June 10 2021 10:43, Meaulnes Legler @ MailList wrote:
> hello all
> I have two questions regarding the AV-SPAM filter, I hope someone can
> help... I recurrently get tagged e-mails that shouldn't be tagged because
> of the two following rules with a score of 2.0:
> 1) 2.0 URIBL_DBL        Contains a URL listed in the DBL blocklist
>                          [URIs:]
> A search for the DBL blocklist returns the site «DBL - The Spamhaus
> Project» at
> But neither the domain nor its IP-address is listed there, it
> returns a succinct and sibylline « has no issues» with a smiling
> robot...
> Am I looking into the correct database?
> 2) 2.0 URI_TRY_3LD      "Try it" URI, suspicious hostname
> I couldn't find anything relevant on this rule and I want to disable it —
> how can I do this?
> If I click on [SpamAssassin Rule Editor] in the GUI, the rule list is empty
> (but I could add a rule)
> Where is this configured?
> Thank you and best regards
> で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
> Zurich, Switzerland
> +41¦0 44 260-1660
> I'm on *Wire* as @meaulnes —
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