Michael, thanks for the reply

well, configuration seems all good, Vsite Usage Information is 5 years, nothing 
is purged, and for each day of the year there is a round 22kb «web.cache» file, 
like .../var/logs/2021/10/11/web.cache

nevertheless the awstats data is empty since April 2021 and — strange enough — 
Webalizer *does* show continuous activity...

but also Site Management > Usage Information > Web says «No data were found for 
activity during the period specified. You may want to try another set of dates.» (see 
screenshots) and the same at Usage Information > Email, I can't get data either

what am I doing wrong? anyone else having this problem?

thanks and best regards

で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660

I'm on *Wire* as @meaulnes — https://get.wire.com/
/no more Whatzap and so on!/

On 03.01.22 00:55, Michael Stauber wrote:
Hi Meaulnes,

hi folks! a Happy New Year!

Indeed! A Happy New Year to all!

as every year, I pull out the yearly awstats of some sites at Site
Management > Usage Information > AWStats > Reported Period: -Year- 2021

unfortunately, something went havoc in March or April 2021, there is no
data saved since then, all values are zero (see attached ss)...

I guess that that data is gone, but I want to know what do I have to fix
in order to have the data for 2022, at least!

Please check under "Server Management" / "System Settings" / "Data
Retention" and see what the configuration there is. That defines if
logfiles are kept and for how long.

Next check in the logfile directory of the Vsite to see if there are
logfiles for the relevant period.

On a 5210R that would be these:


And on older BlueOnyx it would be this:


There should be a folder for 2021 with subfolders for each month.

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