Hi Ernie,

> I also just tried the default with LVM makes no difference.

Different partitioning layouts have no effect on the installed software. So that doesn't matter,

> The admserv works during the first boot after the install, but doesn't
> launch after any subsequent reboots.

*That* is something I can't replicate. I just did another install from the BlueOnyx-5211R-AlmaLinux-9.1-20221206.iso and rebooted it a few times. AdmServ always started w/o a hitch. Just admserv-init.service complained, but that's irrelevant.

> That browser tries to insert the word admin into the IPv6 address
> field which I then delete and leave empty.

That's a browser issue that I can't do anything about. It happens in certain browsers if you choose to save the user credentials in the browser. It then stupidly tries to insert it somewhere into one of the form fields where it doesn't belong.

> Also, every install I get the Active Monitor warning about no Internet
> connection after an install.

Go to "Active Monitor", "Settings" and disable "Network Status". THAT monitoring component checks if your Gateway is pingable. If it can't ping the Gateway it assumes that you have network issues. Most likely your Gateway is configured to not be pingable.

> I have confirmed that there is no such file as
> /usr/libexec/admserv-ssl-gencerts
> however there is a /usr/libexec/httpd-ssl-gencerts

I just published a new base-admserv to YUM and released a new ISO image that fixes these issues.

It now boots as clean as a whistle w/o error messages related to "admserv-init.service". There is still the odd Dovecot error that briefly pops up, but that's because the CCEd-constructors aren't yet finished fixing the configs.

This is about as clean as it gets.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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