Hi Michael

Today I have updated my system php from 8.0 to 8.1:

dnf module reset php
dnf module enable php:8.1
dnf update php mariadb

Everything works fine and my virtual hosts have now php 8.1. The admserv php in /home/solarspeed/admserv-php was untouched and also worked. Great, updating system php was earlier much more difficult.

But I have an problem: every stop (or restart) removes the /var/run/php-fpm directory (and creates it again on start). In /usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service with php 8.0 there is:
and with the new file with php 8.1, there's a RuntimeDirectory declared, which will be removed on service stop:

In this directory are also the files for admserv-php-fpm: admserv-fpm.sock and admserv-php-fpm.pid. This files will also removed on stop of php-fpm and admserv doesn't work until I restart the admserv-php-fpm service.

So I have to patch the /usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service and remove the RuntimeDirectory setting and setting the PIDFile as it is in php 8.0. Another possibility is to change the admserv-php-fpm to store the sock and pid-file in /var/run/admserv-php-ftp, but then I need to patch four files:
- /usr/lib/systemd/system/admserv-php-fpm.service
- /etc/admserv/php-fpm/php-fpm.conf
- /etc/admserv/php-fpm/pools/admserv.conf
- /etc/admserv/conf/httpd.conf

In both cases everything works fine and the services admserv-php-fpm and php-fpm are independent and I can start/stop this services with any impact to the other service. But patched files will maybe updated by yum, so it's not perfect and other users maybe would also update php.

What's the reason to store the admserv-php-fpm sock- and pid-file in /var/run/php-fpm? I think move them to /var/run/admserv-php-fpm would make sense. What do you think about?


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