Hi Michael,

of course we will participate with 500,00 €, please allow three days for the money to start the journey. BlueOnyx is the base for our mail-services, so it is more than useful for us.

With best wishes

  Uwe Stache

    Internetpartner der Wirtschaft
    Web:       www.bb-one.net
    eMail:     uwe.sta...@bb-one.net
    Fon:       +49 (0)30 609 804 751
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    Borgsdorfer Strasse 30      
    Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, Registernummer: HRB 114141 B
    Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: 
    Geschäftsführer Franciska Lion-Arend, Ansgar Schulz, Uwe Stache
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Am 12.12.2022 um 07:36 schrieb Michael Stauber:
Hi all,

First of all some lighter news:

PHP-8.2.0 PKGs have just been made available in the shop for BlueOnyx 5209R, 5210R and 5211R.

Now on to the main course.

Ongoing funding of the BlueOnyx project:

I know December is never a good month to ask, but the way things are, I'll have to do it anyway.

The last 12 months I've spent most of my energy on getting BlueOnyx 5211R ready and released. Which I was finally able to and I think the result really speaks for itself and was worth the effort. Due to the all out effort in getting this done, overall business suffered. Which made 2022 a pretty weak year all things considered.

Although I had put out a few (mostly subtle) hints that donations are more than welcome, there were just a few and. Still: I am immensely grateful to anyone who donated something to the BlueOnyx project.

The total sum of donations towards the BlueOnyx Project in 2022 was 418,- Euros (~439 USD).

Means: I mostly funded the development of BlueOnyx 5211R out of my own pockets, which also included some steeply priced purchases of third party tools to aide in the development. As this is a job that is never really done and I really could use some help.

So if you can, please consider a donation to the BlueOnyx Project. If you use the Paypal link on the BlueOnyx webpage (or in your BlueOnyx GUI), then you can either make it a one time donation, or a monthly donation that can be canceled at any time. I really *do* appreciate it:


Many thanks to all of you!

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